Tag: Pav
Tracking versions with PAV
The PAV ontology specializes the W3C PROV-O standard to give a lightweight approach to recording details about a resource, giving its Provenance, Authorship and Versioning. Our paper on PAV explores all of these aspects in details. In this blog post we discuss Versioning as modelled by PAV, including their hierarchical organization.
Version numbers {#versionnumbers} Semantic versioning {#semver} Making versions retrievable {#retrievable} Ordering previous versions {#ordering} Providing provenance for each version {#each-version} Related work {#relatedwork} PROV-O revisions {#provo} Qualified revisions {#qualified} DC Terms {#dcterms} schema.
PAV Ontology paper highly accessed
Our recent paper about the PAV ontology has been classified as highly accessed by Journal of Biomedical Semantics, with more than 1097 views since it was published two months ago, with an Altmetric score of 12.
The PAV ontology provides a lightweight approach to record typical Provenance, Authorship and Versioning information, and builds upon existing standards like PROV-O and DC Terms. Our previous Practical Provenance post gives a brief overview of PAV, but you might also want to explore these links for more details:
Recording authorship, curation and digital creation with the PAV ontology
PAV is a lightweight ontology for tracking Provenance, Authoring and Versioning. PAV supplies terms for distinguishing between the different roles of the agents contributing content in current web based systems: contributors, authors, curators and digital artifact creators. The ontology also provides terms for tracking provenance of digital entities that are published on the web and then accessed, transformed and consumed.