Tag: Faq
Attribution vs association
A valid question when writing provenance in responsibility view and process view is. Should we attribute contributors from entities, isn’t that what the activities are showing? In this blog post we explore the different options.
Specially with roles it may seem unnecessary to also declare wasAttributedTo statements.
It is true that you can conclude from:
wasAttributed(ex:entity, ex:agent) then there was some activity X such that:
wasGeneratedBy(ex:entity, X) wasAssociatedWith(X, ex:entity) This conclusion follows from the constraint on agents and the definition of wasAttributedTo.
Multiple agents sharing roles
Assuming the task of writing provenance for a student group exercise, consider the question:
Do we need to assign everyone in the group a specific role since in our group we found that for many of the tasks, everyone worked together to complete it?
MSc Student in Understanding Data and their Environment, University of Manchester, 2020
This blog post explores the different PROV patterns that could describe this scenario.
Resources that change state
The PROV working group received a question from Mike:
My understanding is that an entity referenced in a PROV bundle (e.g. via wasGeneratedBy) must be in the bundle…but I do not wish to duplicate entity definitions through out my bundles. My entities are long lived and will exist in multiple bundles.
So lets say I have a resource for alarms which contains a list of all alarms my company monitors.