@id | https://s11.no/2023/phd/thesis.pdf |
name [?] | FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |
@type |
datePublished [?] | 2024-09-15 |
author [?] | Stian Soiland-Reyes |
version [?] | 2025-01-05 |
contributor [?] | |
cite-as [?] | doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8113625 |
identifier [?] |
dateModified [?] | 2025-01-04 |
inSupportOf [?] | graad van doctor |
sourceOrganization [?] | University of Amsterdam |
sameAs [?] | https://zenodo.org/records/14719595/files/phd-stian-2025-01-04.pdf |
Items that reference this one | |
encoding [?] | FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |
hasPart [?] | FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |
mainEntity [?] | FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |
workFeatured [?] | PhD defence: FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |
object [?] |
@id | https://ror.org/04dkp9463 |
name [?] | University of Amsterdam |
@type | CollegeOrUniversity |
url [?] | https://www.uva.nl/ |
Items that reference this one | |
affiliation [?] | |
memberOf [?] | Stian Soiland-Reyes |
sourceOrganization [?] | |
publishedBy [?] | PhD defence: FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |
organizer [?] | PhD defence: FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |
parentOrganization [?] | Doctoral Committee |
@id | https://s11.no/2022/phd/introduction/ |
name [?] | Chapter 1: Introduction |
@type | Chapter |
author [?] | Stian Soiland-Reyes |
contributor [?] | |
hasPart [?] | |
Items that reference this one | |
hasPart [?] | FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |
@id | https://s11.no/2023/phd/background/ |
name [?] | Chapter 2: Background |
@type | Chapter |
description [?] | In this chapter, we discuss the related work with respect to FAIR Digital Objects and Linked Data. We do so by looking through the lens of development of these technologies over time, including future directions. |
author [?] | Stian Soiland-Reyes |
contributor [?] | Paul Groth |
isBasedOn [?] | Section 3.1: Evaluating FAIR Digital Object and Linked Data as distributed object systems |
about [?] | RQ1 |
Items that reference this one | |
hasPart [?] | FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |
@id | https://s11.no/2023/phd/fdo-and-linked-data/ |
name [?] | Chapter 3: FAIR Digital Objects and Linked Data |
@type | Chapter |
description [?] | To investigate RQ1 this chapter evaluates both Linked Data and FAIR Digital Object (FDO) as ways to realize the FAIR principles. Section 3.1 compares the two approaches as global distributed object systems, and discusses what lessons can be learnt across the communities, taking into consideration the history covered by section 2. Section 3.2 proposes how the FDO principles can be achieved using Linked Data standards, which is explored further in the following chapters. |
hasPart [?] | |
about [?] | RQ1 |
Items that reference this one | |
hasPart [?] | FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |
@id | https://s11.no/2023/phd/ro-crate/ |
name [?] | Chapter 4: RO-Crate |
@type | Chapter |
description [?] | This chapter introduces RO-Crate, a pragmatic method of packaging data alongside structured metadata that is inline with the FAIR principles. This has been implemented to investigate RQ2. Section 4.1 describes the RO-Crate purpose, community effort and tooling and demonstrates how RO-Crate has been applied. Section 4.2 shows how RO-Crate can be used to achieve the FDO principles covered in chapter 3. Section 4.3 contributes a formal definition of RO-Crate using first order logic. |
hasPart [?] | |
about [?] | RQ2 |
Items that reference this one | |
hasPart [?] | FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |
@id | https://s11.no/2023/phd/workflows/ |
name [?] | Chapter 5: Computational Workflows |
@type | Chapter |
description [?] | In order to investigate RQ3, and considering important parts of the FAIR principles are Reuse and provenance, this chapter examines in closer details how FAIR Digital Objects and RO-Crate can be used with Computational Workflows. Section 5.1 proposes that tools in computational workflows, when wrapped as interoperable building blocks, can be considered as FAIR Digital Objects, with a use case from biomolecular simulation. Sections 5.2 and 5.3 explore how FDOs and Research Objects can be constructed incrementally using computational workflows, with a use case from specimen digitization in natural history collections. Section 5.4 presents a profile of RO-Crate to capture workflow execution provenance, with incremental granularity levels and six workflow engine implementations. Use cases include machine learning-aided tumour detection and compatibility with PROV approaches. |
hasPart [?] |
about [?] | RQ3 |
Items that reference this one | |
hasPart [?] | FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |
@id | https://s11.no/2022/phd/conclusions/ |
name [?] | Chapter 6: Discussion and conclusions |
@type | Chapter |
author [?] | Stian Soiland-Reyes |
hasPart [?] | |
Items that reference this one | |
hasPart [?] | FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |
@id | https://s11.no/2022/phd/acknowledgements/ |
name [?] | Appendix A: Acknowledgement |
@type | Chapter |
Items that reference this one | |
hasPart [?] | FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |
@id | https://s11.no/2022/phd/contributions/ |
name [?] | Appendix B: Contributions |
@type | Chapter |
Items that reference this one | |
hasPart [?] | FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |
@id | https://s11.no/2023/phd/cover-clipart.svg |
name [?] | Cover of thesis (SVG) |
@type | CoverArt |
description [?] | Cover art for book cover of thesis, created with several public domain cliparts |
author [?] | Stian Soiland-Reyes |
license [?] | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License |
isBasedOn [?] | Public Domain Vectors |
thumbnailUrl [?] | |
Items that reference this one | |
hasPart [?] | FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |
@id | #review |
name [?] | Review of PhD thesis |
@type | ReviewAction |
agent [?] | Doctoral Committee |
object [?] | FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |
Items that reference this one | |
mentions [?] | FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |
@id | https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8113625 |
name [?] | doi |
@type | PropertyValue |
propertyID [?] | https://registry.identifiers.org/registry/doi |
value [?] | 10.5281/zenodo.8113625 |
Items that reference this one | |
identifier [?] | |
cite-as [?] | FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |
@id | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ |
name [?] | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License |
@type | CreativeWork |
identifier [?] | spdx: CC-BY-4.0 |
Items that reference this one | |
license [?] |
@id | https://s11.no/ |
name [?] | s11 |
@type |
founder [?] | Stian Soiland-Reyes |
url [?] | https://s11.no/ |
Items that reference this one | |
publisher [?] | FAIR Research Objects and Computational Workflows – A Linked Data Approach |