PROV released as W3C Recommendations

The Provenance Working Group was chartered to develop a framework for interchanging provenance on the Web. The Working Group has now published the PROV Family of Documents as W3C Recommendations, along with corresponding supporting notes. You can find a complete list of the documents in the PROV Overview Note.
PROV enables one to represent and interchange provenance information using widely available formats such as RDF and XML. In addition, it provides definitions for accessing provenance information, validating it, and mapping to Dublin Core. Learn more about the Semantic Web.

@prefix prov: <> .
<#quote> prov:wasQuotedFrom <> .

This means the PROV data model and specifications are released and official recommendations, and can be used as a stable platform for expressing and exploring provenance data across the web.

Practically speaking, this blog would recommend you start with the PROV primer, followed by the tutorial and then PROV-O for LinkedData/RDF/OWL (alternatively PROV-XML for XML or alternatively PROV-JSON for JSON). For deeper understanding and definition of the PROV concepts, see the PROV datamodel.