
This landing page has three signposting HTTP headers:

This is a test for FAIR principle RDA-F3-01M - Metadata includes the identifier for the data.

Test 1: each item appears in one or more metadata files (describedby) as an identifier property, and string-match of item against identifier.

This is a more elaborate split example than 47-rda-f3-01m-t1-multiple-item-dcat-datadownload. Here the DCAT Catalogue in catalog.ttl references two datasets in dataset1.ttl and dataset2.ttl, which each reference either the CSV or ODS file through downloadURL. Thus to fulfill the RDA-F3-01M check one would need to collate all metadata files. It would not be a fault that catalog.ttl does not reference either of the items.

Note that the DCAT Datasets in this example deliberately do not include the PID.